Registration Form

Those who use credit cards are requested to send the completed registration form by air mail or facsimile because your signature is required in the credit card section of the form. Please do not apply by e-mail.

pdf file of registration form :

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    Southern Osaka Industrial Promotion Center, Sakai, Osaka, Japan
    November 25-26, 2000
    Deadline : September 29, 2000

    Registration Form

    Please type or fill out in block letters and send this form to BIO-ROBOTICS II secretariat:
    Dr. Mitsuji Monta
    Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama University
    1-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Okayama 700-8530, JAPAN
    Fax : +81-86-251-8388 (086-251-8388 for domestic call)
    E-mail :

    I. Workshop

    1. Participant Name (Check one) : Prof., Dr., Mr., Ms.
    (Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) :

    2. Affiliation (University, Company, etc.)

    3. Title / Position :

    4. Mailing Address (Check) : Office, Home
    City :_____________________________ State / Province : _____________________________
    Zip Code : ________________________ Country : _____________________________
    Tel : _____________________________ Fax : _____________________________
    E-mail : __________________________________________________________

    5. Name(s) of Accompanying Person(s) : Mr., Ms. (Check)
    (Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name) :

    6. Registration Fee

    Categories On or before 31 August, 2000 After September 1, 2000
    Participants from developed countries

    40,000 Yen

    45,000 Yen

    Participants from developing countries 20,000 Yen
    Students 20,000 Yen
    Accompanying person (family members) 10,000 Yen x (__) person(s)

    Total : _____________________________(1)

    II. Hotel Reservation

    Room Type : Single (10,500 Yen per person) : (___)room(s) x (___) night(s)
    Twin (18,000 Yen per room) : (___)room(s) x (___)night(s)

    Period of Stay : Check-in : _______________ Check-out : _______________
    * Breakfast, tax and service charge are included.

    Total : _____________________________(2)

    Advance registration (On or before 31 August, 2000) only
    ( ) I would like to use Gift Coupon (See 'Registration Information').
    Deduction : - 10,500 Yen for single room, - 18,000 Yen for twin room

    Total : _____________________________(3)

    III. Method of Payment

    Grand Total : (1)+(2) or (1)+(3) = _____________________________

    * Please check the method and fill in the blanks as possible.

    Bank transfer

    I have remitted the above sum of ____________________________ Yen bybank transfer by the name of
    _____________________________ _____________________________________________(your name) through
    my bank ___________________________________________________________________(name of your bank) to :

    Name of Bank : Sanwa Bank Ltd., Komyoike Branch
    Account No. : 5037034
    Account Name : BIOROBOTICS

    *Please enclose a copy of your bank's receipt with this form to avoid the possible confusion.

    Credit card : VISA, Master Card

    Card No. :
    Expiration Date : _____________________(month) / _____________________(Year)
    Name of the card holder (Please print) :

    Signature : _____________________Date : _____________________