Abstracting and Indexing: Scopus; EI-Compendex
E-ISSN: 18818366


AABEA stands for Asian Agricultural and Biological Engineering Association. This association is for members of CIAM (The Chinese Institute of Agricultural Machinery), JSAM (The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery), KSAM (The Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery), and SASJ (The Society of Agricultural Structures, Japan).
AABEA publishes Electronic English Journal entitled Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food (EAEF) on the J-Stage web site every four months (in March, June, September and December).
Abstracts of the papers in this journal, EAEF are indexed in EI-COMPENDEX database. EI stands for Engineering Index, while EI-Compendex (Elsevier Engineering Information, Inc.) is a database the most widely covering engineering fields.

Article Processing Charge (APC)

The journal charges an APC of 480 USD (50,000 JPY for the time being) for all article types except for Invited Reviews.
However, extra charges of 100 USD (10,000 JPY) per page are levied if manuscripts exceed the page limits.

Open access journal

EAEF became a fully Open Access journal in January, 2023.
All articles published in the journal on or after this date are Open Access and published under the Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 (Attribution 4.0 International) license.
This license allows users to share and adapt an article, even commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given.

Past article transfer has been completed

It took a long time, but finally articles on Vol.7 to 12 had been transfered to J-Stage, and are enabled to access fill papaers.
We feel sorry for years of inconvenience, now you can access to all articles, from J-Stage.

Manuscript Guidline was renewed

Manuscripts Guidelines was renewed on 1st April 2023. Please check it out while a new submission.


Recently, we put URLs on References of each articles.
But when a new line is started a middle of URL, a space is added as a character.
This is a specification of the PDF file, and you will miss to reach to the linked page.
Please erase a space in that case or you can redirect from each articles home page.

Renewal Open

We are verry sorry for the EAEF is out of order so long time.
Now the new contribution system on ScholarOne is ready.
Please check the new manuscripts guideline carefully. As we get to publish by ourselves and pay for the system, publishing fee is set to 50,000 JPY.
The new issue Vol.13 No.1 is now on J-Stage. But sorry, from Vol.7 to 12 are still under the transfer working, and it will take a while. If you need PDF files of them please contact to us.

What's new
2024/07The Vol.17 No.2 was issued.
2024/07The Vol.17 No.1 was issued.
2024/02The Vol.16 No.4 was issued.
2024/02The Vol.16 No.3 was issued.
2023/11The Vol.16 No.2 was issued.
2023/10The Vol.16 No.1 was issued.
2023/10Articles from Vol.7 to 12 were tranfred toJ-Stage.
2023/04Manuscripts Guidelines was renewed.
2023/02The Vol.15 No.4 was issued.
2023/02The Vol.15 No.3 was issued.
2022/12The Vol.15 No.2 was issued.
2022/09The Vol.15 No.1 was issued.
2022/09The Vol.15 No.1 was issued.
2022/07The Vol.14 No.4 was issued.
2022/07The Vol.14 No.3 was issued.
2022/04The Vol.14 No.2 was issued.
2022/01The Vol.14 No.1 was issued.
2021/10The Vol.13 No.4 was issued.
2021/08The Vol.13 No.3 was issued.
2021/08The Vol.13 No.2 was issued.
2021/04The Vol.13 No.1 was issued.
2021/04Contribution and review system on ScholarOne is ready.
2021/01We are now working very hard to construct a new contribution and review system. Also to let the journal issu back to the J-Stage. We will announce the renewal as soon as possible, at the latest April 2021.